Total price:
USD 120
Per person
USD 10.0 in Rewards


From: 06:00

Until : 19:00

Extension: 13  hours.

Frequency: Only from April to October 

             For safety  reasons this is a PRIVATE Program, so we need a minimum of  4 and a maximum of 6 passengers.


This hidden wonder with the shape of two horns is a great destination to conquer and it is  located at the district of Acos, Province of Acomayo, there at the top, on the abysses that overlook the Apurímac river canyon. Peruvian Government named Cultural Heritage of the Nation in 2017. 



In Quechua language Waqra means "horn" and ``Pukara'' meansstrength. Some locals from the area call it Llama Pukara, arguing that they are two ears of a llama as a sign of warning to intruders.It was built by the Qanchis and later conquered by the Incas.


We will start early to maximize  the daylight and have the best possible weather during our expedition. We will have breakfast on the way.


We have two routes, which we will define according to weather conditions. The first option is starting our walk in the Pitumarca Community at 4,000 meters above sea level (masl) and the second is via Santa Lucía, at 3,600 masl.

In both cases, our walk will be approximately 2 ½ hours for each section, 5 hours in total. The level of difficulty is medium. This  Inca trail is surrounded by nature and forest rocks  with beautiful landscapes and views.


Upon our arrival at this Inca Fortress (3,700 m.a.s.l.), our guide will share  the history of the place for approximately 45 minutes. Then we will enjoy our Lunch Box and then start our way back.


Our arrival to  Cusco is estimated at 19:00




  • Use trekking shoes or  one that has an optimal sole for uneven paths
  • Backpack with warm clothes, gloves and chullo. The climate of the area is changeable.
  • Get a good night's sleep the night before
  • Start an optimal hydration one day before, in any case, our team will provide water throughout the tour.
  • Wear a mask and alcohol Gel and maintain distance between people




  • No additional charges

  • Each passenger  earns $ 10 in Vaoz Rewards which will be uploaded once it's 100%  paid. 

  • You can pay with your Vaoz Rewards

  • Private transportation (Van H1 or similar) round trip

  • Professional guide in Spanish

  • Breakfast

  • Oat Picky Bars

  • Energy Bars Picky Bars

  • Boxlunch

  • all entrances and fees 

Not included

  • Tips

  • Anything not mention