Total price:
USD 90
Per person
USD 5.7 in Rewards





Located at Calle Santa Teresa 325 – Cusco.


9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

You must be half an hour early in our office.


Approximately 2 hour.


Bungee jumping from Poroy-Cusco, is undoubtedly a unique and unforgettable experience, made from a suspended platform more than 125 meters high, which qualifies us as the highest Bungee in Latin America, this activity is carried out in our park that It is located 15 minutes from the city of Cusco.

The jump is with a special elastic rope, which is made for this type of activities and is fixed at the feet of the experienced jumper. Who also wears a body harness tightly fastened to a security tape.

We have triple security at all times, which guarantees an extreme leap with the intensity that the user is looking for.

As members of the Peruvian Association of Bungee jump, we comply with all international safety standards, we have life insurance, equipment use manuals, procedures, and the latest equipment.

Our jump system has been designed by engineers and architects specialized in suspension bridges. Our attention is personalized with 20 years of experience in our activities and a record of 100 000 jumps.


All the equipment used in Action Valley has been designed specifically for this type of activity. Action Valley has a record of 100,000 jumps since 1996. It was also the winner in 2002 of the prize that was awarded by DIRCETUR (Regional Office of Foreign Trade and Tourism) as a Tourism Investment Initiative. 

Our equipment is imported and the last generation. below the brands: Petzl, Montic, Mountain Gear, Hauk.


  • Departure from our office, located at Calle Santa Teresa No. 325, near Plaza Regocijo, Cusco.

  • Attention by order and Availability.

  • Security equipment.

  • League according to weight. minimum of 45 kg. (99.2 lb.) – maximum of 110 kg. (242.5 lb.)

  • Specialized instructors.

  • Certificate.

  • Cashback Rewards

Not included

  • Does not include photos or videos